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Liz Dyment, CYT 200

Liz began practicing yoga in 2009, when she began her road to recovery from various addictions. She found profound growth and stability in the yogic path and has followed her heart to different teachers and yogic traditions ever since. Liz completed an initial 100 hour immersion series in Anusara inspired yoga with Marc St. Pierre in Portland,  Me. in 2012, and completed a 200 hour YTT with Marc the following year in Salem, Ma. Liz has most recently become a grateful member of the Ashaya Yoga community, studying with master teacher Todd Norian of Western Ma. Beyond the mat, Liz is a female business owner, real estate agent, nature lover, and mother to two beautiful humans and 1 sweet fur baby. 



A therapeutic combination of hatha and flow with innumerable benefits for mind, body and spirit.


Intuitive sessions based on attunement of the chakras for optimal health and wellness, the crystal singing bowls utilize the physics principal of resonance. When they vibrate at their sacred vibrations, they physically change the tissues in your body, bringing them to the same sacred frequency

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